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 Freedom, healing and peace are ours as we believe, trust and  follow Jesus!

Bravehearts Unlimited, Inc.  is dedicated to the call of freedom, love and healing - helping people to enter into, and live in, the favor and promises of God.   Through prayer and discipleship we help people receive the truth of God, His freedom, and their healing as they partner with Him and His will and destiny for their life. 


We have a call to be brave in heart, trusting the Lord in every area of life, unlimiting our Heavenly Father to accomplish His will and purpose in and through us, here on earth, as it is in heaven!  


Jesus came to earth as the living breathing word of God.  He showed us what it looks like to walk in God’s ways, to love and honor the Father in all He did and said, and how to love perfectly.  He came that we might have life, and have it abundantly and to live forever with Him, as our Lord and King!   


The focus of the ministry is to share the good news of the kingdom of God, and the beautiful gifts of Christ’s mission of healing, freedom, and salvation for the world ~  (Isaiah 61).    


The Lord tells us that our battle is not against flesh and blood but against the spiritual powers of darkness. He tells us that He always leads us in victory, as we love and follow Him.  He shows us how to partner with Him, and walk in the light of His truth, His love, and the power of His Holy Spirit to bring Heaven here on earth.  


We are honored to partner with Jesus and with you in sharing the good news, loving His children, and helping those the Lord brings to us, into a place of peace, freedom, and health as they turn to Jesus and partner with Him! Walnut Creek, California

© 2023 Bravehearts Unlimited, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.       All rights reserved

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